Presient Lee of the WREA, Contribution Award from the ICHPER.SD

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Presient Young Kee Lee of the WREA, Contribution Award from the ICHPER.SD

President of the WREA, Young Kee Lee’s profile

- Doctor of Science (Leisure & Recreation)
- He served as a leisure commissioner for the World Sports Health Society (ICHPER).
- Founder and Chief Professor of Korea University for CEO Program of Korean Wave and Leisure Industry
- Visiting Professor, Beijing Normal University, College of Sports and Leisure
- President, World Recreation Educational Center
- Founder / President of World Recreation Educational Association (WREA, Chapter in over 30 countries)
- Award of President of the U.S. Obama Prize

*Recreation and Laughter leader qualification certificate *Recreation and Laughter leader

certificate Issuing Organization : World Recreation Educational Association(WREA)

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- 이제 건전한 레크리에이션, 웃음치료, 리더십 교육은 필수 -
* 자신감 향상(I can do it)/리더십 배양, 우울증, 스트레스 해소로 명랑한 성격유지
* 직업능력향상, 일자리 창출, 최고경영가(CEO)의 80%가 “잘노는 사람 선호”
* 인간관계력 향상, 사회성 증진, 팀웍,친구또래와의 친화력 증진, 봉사정신과 자존감 향상
* 100세노인 장수비결“웃음보약 80대, 60대 노인보다 약 10배가량 더웃는다(김종인교수)
* 생생한 현장연수의 촬영과 콘텐츠화, 실기해설, 이론적배경으로 연수과정의 효과 극대화
* 약30여명의 각종목별 전문강사의 노하우학습
* 약 10박 11일분의 실제연수를 요약하여 시간과 경제비용절약, 현장연수와 같은 효과
* 언제, 어디서나, 원하는 시간에 반복학습가능, 1달시청가능, 게시판 연장하면 무료학습
* 이제 현대사회가 레크레이션, 웃음, 게임의 대중화,생활화로 추가비용없이 일정학습후 재시험 가능
* 연수자의 의도로 5일안의 자격증취득도 가능
* 15세이상 남녀노소 누구나 가능, 제출용인 대자격증, 소자격증, DVD교재 등기송부
* 옥스퍼드대학교 교수는 레크레이션을 활용한 치료전문가를 미래 가장 안전한 직업선정
* 비현실적, 자극적 가상세계로 부터의 해방, 게임중독으로 부터 해방, 건전한 레저관 확립
* 할인 : 2인등록10%, 3-5인등록 20%, 단체는 전화요망

Qualification/Completion Course for Recreation and Laughter Leader Certificate

* Self-Confidence (I can do it), Fostering Leadership, Getting Rid of Depression and Stress, Maintaining Cheerful Personality
* Improving Professional Ability, Creating Jobs, 80% of CEO prefer "people who enjoy their lives"
* Improving Human Relationship, Improving Sociality, Increasing Mutual Affinities, Improving Volunteerism Spirit and Dignity
* Longevity Secrets of the era of 100 year olds, "Laughter Medicine- people in their 80s laugh 10 times more than those in their 60s
* Maximized effect of Training courses with videos and contents of vivid site training, explanation of practical technique, and theoretical background
* 20-30 specialists in each field have their own know-how
* Summary of site training courses for about 10 days can save time and expense and get effect just like the site training course * Possible to get the certificate within 5 days if applicants want it * Anyone over 15 years old can apply.
* Therapy Experts making use of recreation have selected the safest careers in the future
* Educational Program through physical, mental, emotional, and social activities, not a virtual internet game.
* Completion Certificate Course is the same program as Qualification Certificate Course, the Completion Certificate (no test) will be issued, not the Qualification Certificate

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# 资格证培训/结业培训课程(康乐休闲导师, 笑指导(治疗)师

* 培养自信心(I can do it), 提升领导力, 减轻抑郁, 缓解压力, 保持开朗性格
* 提升职业能力, 创造工作岗位, 80%的最高经营者(CEO)"重视享乐的人"
* 提升人际交往能力, 增进社会性, 强化团队协作和沟通, 提高社会奉献精神, 增强自尊感
* 百岁老人长寿秘籍"笑是补药 ,八十岁老年人比六十岁多笑十倍
* 对生动的培训课程进行现场录制和产业化, 技术说明, 理论背景, 让培训课程效果最大化
* 由二十到三十位科目专业人士组成, 培训师传授丰富经验
* 把十天的现场培训课程简约化, 节约时间, 降低成本, 同时学到跟现场一样的效果
* 根据培训学生的学习能力, 最快在五天之可以内取得资格证书
* 利用休闲运动与娱乐的专业治疗师被选为未来最稳定的职业
* 不是虚拟世界网络游戏, 而是通过身体, 精神, 情绪, 社会活动进行培训
* 结业证书培训流程与资格证书相同, 颁发结业证书(无评估)

资格证培训/结业培训课程 : 康乐休闲导师, 笑指导(治疗)师

* 培养自信心(I can do it), 提升领导力, 减轻抑郁, 缓解压力, 保持开朗性格
* 提升职业能力, 创造工作岗位, 80%的最高经营者(CEO)"重视享乐的人"
* 提升人际交往能力, 增进社会性, 强化团队协作和沟通, 提高社会奉献精神, 增强自尊感
* 百岁老人长寿秘籍"笑是补药 ,八十岁老年人比六十岁多笑十倍
* 对生动的培训课程进行现场录制和产业化, 技术说明, 理论背景, 让培训课程效果最大化
* 由二十到三十位科目专业人士组成, 培训师传授丰富经验
* 把十天的现场培训课程简约化, 节约时间, 降低成本, 同时学到跟现场一样的效果
* 根据培训学生的学习能力, 最快在五天之可以内取得资格证书
* 利用休闲运动与娱乐的专业治疗师被选为未来最稳定的职业
* 不是虚拟世界网络游戏, 而是通过身体, 精神, 情绪, 社会活动进行培训
* 结业证书培训流程与资格证书相同, 颁发结业证书(无评估)

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